Oliver B. Habicht
Casual, mostly personal thoughts from Oliver.
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Cady and WKids!

Cady ecstatic to finally be old enough to enter WKids, Wegmans grocery store's childcare for shoppers. Sunday shopping.
AIDS Ride For Life

Oliver and Amelia after completing over 100 mile bike ride around Cayuga Lake on Saturday (yesterday) in support of AIDS WORK's AIDS Ride for Life fundraiser. And here are more pictures, with a focus on our Team Gimme! group.
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Monday, September 06, 2004
Cady turns three!

Cady technically turns three on the 7th, and what does she pine for now that she's three? (Aside from the gummy worm she's gumming on, freshly extracted from her pot of dirt, obviously!) A: Going to W-Kids, Wegman's (grocery store) playroom/ kid-sitting room! But first, the birthday party photos!
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Tioga Scenic Railroad ride

Peter and Tristan getting ready to enjoy a 2.5 hour train journey from Owego to Newark Valley and back. Joined by Chris, Elaine, Adam, Amelia, Cady, and Oliver's mom, Pat. Nice food and a great trip!
Friday, September 03, 2004
Kitchen armoire

MacKenzie-Childs Ltd's minimal kitchen, complete with microwave and fridge. And of course, the kitchen sink! My mom and Amelia found this $14,500 armoire inspirational.