Sunday, August 14, 2005

Guatemala Crew

Habicht family and friends who met in Guatemala, convening during my Dad's and Gretel's "Milestones" party (August 13, 2005), celebrating my Dad's 70th birthday party and his and Gretel's presumed forthcoming retirement.
Left to right: Bill Butz, Christopher Habicht, Heidi Habicht Brownlie, Jean-Pierre Habicht, Pat Habicht, Charlie Yarbrough, Pat Engle, Oliver Habicht.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Oliver's first triathlon

Here I am recovering from my first triathlon, the 3rd Annual Cayuga Lake Triathlon, on August 7th. Super great weather for a swim/ bike/ run! I ran the "short" or "sprint" version, which was a half-mile swim, 14 mile bike ride (I averaged 19.8 mph), and a 5K (3.1 mile) run. Results are available in a PDF formated file. Also, you can order action photos of me from Brightroom.